How Wool Fleece Is Made
Wool fleece is a type of fabric that mimics the insulating properties of animal coats. This fabric is often used to make warm clothing such as sweaters and jackets.
Fleece is also sometimes made from synthetic materials like polyester. This is a cheaper and lighter alternative to wool.
The first step in the process of creating a fleece is shearing, which is the act of cutting off the sheep’s hair. Shearing is an important part of the wool production cycle because it stimulates the growth of the long, soft wool fibers that are essential for the making of wool yarn and wool textiles.
Shearing is a time-consuming process that involves a variety of machines and people. Shearing is performed on a regular schedule in order to ensure that the sheep’s fleece is able to be processed and turned into wool.
After shearing, the wool is sorted into different types. Depending on the quality, these types can be sold as clothing or carpets and blankets.
Once sorted, the sheep’s wool is cleaned. This is done using a series of scouring baths which contain soap and soda ash or a similar alkali. The vegetable matter, manure and natural oil on the fleece naked are removed from the wool to make it suitable for spinning into wool yarn.
The scouring process is vital because many of the sheep’s natural oils and greases are difficult to remove from the wool. After the scouring process, the fleece can be spun into a wool yarn, which is then dyed and made into apparel or other textiles.
Wool is a durable and long-lasting material. It is a very versatile fiber because it can be made into a number of different fabrics, including sweaters, socks and gloves.
It has high levels of insulation and moisture wicking. This makes it great for outdoor activities where the weather can change quickly and you are likely to sweat a lot.
This is a good thing, because it helps to prevent your skin from drying out and becoming stiff or chapped. This is especially true if you have sensitive skin or allergies.
Sweat is a natural byproduct of the human body’s normal metabolic processes and produces little odor. However, when it’s left on your skin, bacteria grow which break it down into waste that smells.
The anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties of wool are another reason it’s a popular choice for clothing. This is because the natural anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties in wool keep your skin dry and discourages bacterial growth, which means it’s less likely to produce an odour.
Breathable, lightweight and comfortable to wear
The breathable properties of fleece allow air to circulate through the fabric. This is important for preventing your jacket from getting too wet and allowing you to stay cool, regardless of how hot or cold the weather is.
In addition to its breathable nature, fleece is also waterproof. This makes it an excellent choice for a rain jacket.